So We just got a call from our zone leaders and Elder Nielsen is getting transferred out of San Diego 1st ward. I'm honestly going to miss him. He taught me so much but I'm so ready to take over my area and I'm pretty nervous and excited to get my new companion tomorrow.
So this week was pretty cool. On Thursday we went to the Mormon Battalion and taught a referral, Their names are Ivano and Analietta. They are a young couple from Italy that are visiting the U.S. to see if they want to move here. Before they left his dad told him that if they see any Mormons that they should talk to them. We had a really good lesson with them though, their English isn't the best so she had to translate for Ivano a lot but they had a lot of questions and we gave them an Italian Book of Mormon!
Oh yeah. So Peter, our investigator that has a baptism date for November 1st, moved out of our area!!! Luckily we were able to send his stuff to the missionaries in his area and he is still planning on getting baptized this Saturday and he asked me to baptize him!!! I'm pretty nervous and way excited!!!
Once we found out that Peter wasn't going to able to come to our ward we were a little depressed and right before church started we met Chris Gargos. He and his friend have been talking about the Church and he actually has been taking the lessons on the phone from sister missionaries at the MTC. He is pretty cool and is pretty excited to meet with us. When we told him that we meet with people in their homes he was like "I want that!!!". He is a way cool guy and he has a job and a car!!! which is pretty unusual for our investigators haha.
Well things are going amazing here in San Diego. I'm Excited to get my new Companion and see how this next transfer goes! I cant believe I'm already in my third transfer!!!
Elder LaRochelle
California San Diego Mission / The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Senior Week
Hello everyone!!!
This week has been so amazing!!! Its crazy to think that in a couple days it will be my 3 month mark! Time has just flown by and I can't believe that I'm almost done with my second transfer!
So like I said last week, this past week was my "senior week" so I was in charge of everything and it was pretty stressful haha. Last Tuesday after emails I had 4 appointments set up and they all cancelled so I had to come up with things to do so we weren't just sitting at home doing nothing haha!
On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Petersen and we went to his area which is a walking area. We had a pretty good day set up. We actually spent most of the day at the church because we had a teaching appointment there with one of there investigators that is getting baptized next week. It was a really good teaching appointment. Elder Petersen is a way good teacher. I learned a lot and we get along really well!
After the teaching appointment we stayed at the church for a baptism and Elder Petersen actually baptized and confirmed one of the kids that was getting baptized. After that we had a less active named Scott take us out to dinner. Scott is a way cool guy and we quickly became friends especially when we found out that we both like cars. After dinner we got talking and he really opened up to me and talked about his drinking problem and how it ruined his kids. It was really sad because he still has a drinking and smoking problem and he knows he has to stop but he just can't. His son is actually in prison and his daughter just totaled her car from drunk driving. It was really sad. I was able to talk to him about repentance and I bore testimony to him about the power of repentance and how it's a blessing in our lives. I told him that his Heavenly Father loved him and the spirit was so strong. It's one of the best lessons I have had on my mission so far! It's one of the best exchanges I have had as well. The only bad part is that I was in a suit all day haha!
Yesterday was a really good day. After studies we went downtown in little Italy and got some lunch and it was way good. Then we went to Golden Spoon and the people that work there know us pretty well so Elder Nielsen told them that it was my birthday haha. They asked us what we did for my birthday and we were able to talk about what we do as missionaries and we actually had a really conversation with one of the employees. Later that day we went out with Brother Humiston, a member of our bishopric. He is a retired psychiatrist and helped our less active who is trying to quit smoking. After our lesson we dropped him off and we started talking to one of his friends that was over and she had some concerns about the Book of Mormon. Me and Elder Nielsen actually didn't say a lot because brother Humiston talks a lot haha. But I felt the spirit so strong that I just had to bare my testimony to her. I actually interrupted brother Humiston and bore my testimony to her and it actually touched her and she put her concerns aside and said that she would try and read the Book of Mormon again
Peter is still doing awesome. We downloaded the Gospel Library app on his phone and he loves wandering around on it. He is getting really comfortable at church. We taught him the Word of Wisdom this week and it went surprisingly well haha. The only thing he does wrong is drink coffee and he said he could stop drinking it.
Well I hope everything is going well. I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for all your support.
Elder LaRochelle
This week has been so amazing!!! Its crazy to think that in a couple days it will be my 3 month mark! Time has just flown by and I can't believe that I'm almost done with my second transfer!
So like I said last week, this past week was my "senior week" so I was in charge of everything and it was pretty stressful haha. Last Tuesday after emails I had 4 appointments set up and they all cancelled so I had to come up with things to do so we weren't just sitting at home doing nothing haha!
On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Petersen and we went to his area which is a walking area. We had a pretty good day set up. We actually spent most of the day at the church because we had a teaching appointment there with one of there investigators that is getting baptized next week. It was a really good teaching appointment. Elder Petersen is a way good teacher. I learned a lot and we get along really well!
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Elder LaRochelle & Elder Petersen |
After the teaching appointment we stayed at the church for a baptism and Elder Petersen actually baptized and confirmed one of the kids that was getting baptized. After that we had a less active named Scott take us out to dinner. Scott is a way cool guy and we quickly became friends especially when we found out that we both like cars. After dinner we got talking and he really opened up to me and talked about his drinking problem and how it ruined his kids. It was really sad because he still has a drinking and smoking problem and he knows he has to stop but he just can't. His son is actually in prison and his daughter just totaled her car from drunk driving. It was really sad. I was able to talk to him about repentance and I bore testimony to him about the power of repentance and how it's a blessing in our lives. I told him that his Heavenly Father loved him and the spirit was so strong. It's one of the best lessons I have had on my mission so far! It's one of the best exchanges I have had as well. The only bad part is that I was in a suit all day haha!
Yesterday was a really good day. After studies we went downtown in little Italy and got some lunch and it was way good. Then we went to Golden Spoon and the people that work there know us pretty well so Elder Nielsen told them that it was my birthday haha. They asked us what we did for my birthday and we were able to talk about what we do as missionaries and we actually had a really conversation with one of the employees. Later that day we went out with Brother Humiston, a member of our bishopric. He is a retired psychiatrist and helped our less active who is trying to quit smoking. After our lesson we dropped him off and we started talking to one of his friends that was over and she had some concerns about the Book of Mormon. Me and Elder Nielsen actually didn't say a lot because brother Humiston talks a lot haha. But I felt the spirit so strong that I just had to bare my testimony to her. I actually interrupted brother Humiston and bore my testimony to her and it actually touched her and she put her concerns aside and said that she would try and read the Book of Mormon again
Peter is still doing awesome. We downloaded the Gospel Library app on his phone and he loves wandering around on it. He is getting really comfortable at church. We taught him the Word of Wisdom this week and it went surprisingly well haha. The only thing he does wrong is drink coffee and he said he could stop drinking it.
Well I hope everything is going well. I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for all your support.
Elder LaRochelle
Monday, October 20, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Note From Elder Cuckow
Sister LaRochelle,
I just wanted to thank you so much for the cookies you sent your son. They were divine! He was super nice and shared with me.
We are in the same zone and your son is my hero. He is such a funny kid! He is doing such a great work out here on his mission, setting a great example for me!
Elder Cuckow
I just wanted to thank you so much for the cookies you sent your son. They were divine! He was super nice and shared with me.
We are in the same zone and your son is my hero. He is such a funny kid! He is doing such a great work out here on his mission, setting a great example for me!
Elder Cuckow
Another Crazy Week in the San Diego Fist Ward!!!
Hey Everyone!!!
So this week was another crazy week in the San Diego First Ward!!!!!!!!!! This week is actually what they call "senior week". It's when I become the senior companion so that Elder Nielsen can see how well I know my stuff haha!!!
On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Yates who is like 20 months out so he gave me some tips. This is also his first transfer being a zone leader so he is pretty nervous. I don't know what it is about exchanges but the person I'm with always decides to talk about what they're struggling with with me and then I have to help them, but Elder Yates is an amazing missionary!!!!
On Thursday we met with a bunch of people including Chris and James.
Chris is still doing awesome. I don't how he finds the patience while he waits to see if he can get baptized. He is an amazing person and has an amazing testimony!!
James has some disabilities so we have been teaching little bits at a time. We are using Mormon Messages and music to teach and its working really well!!! This past week we actually set a date for him to get baptized on December 6!!
So every other Friday we do service at Balboa Park with a bunch of other missionaries. We just help out a park ranger and move logs and trim trees and what not. Elder Nielsen loves to go because he gets to wear jeans and not a tie haha. He actually got poison ivy (but he says its not that bad).
Saturday we met with Peter. We are actually meeting with him two times a week now just to make sure he is ready for baptism in a few weeks. He already has a super solid testimony and texts us sometimes and asks for reading assignments haha. He is way cool!!!!!!!
Sunday was fast Sunday and it was hard but we broke our fast at Sister Anderson's house. She is an amazing cook and she always feeds us a ton of food. We had another good lesson with her though. We talked about her niece and how she can talk to her about the gospel.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. We went and talked to the Kneelands for a little bit. He is struggling with cancer and is an amazing member missionary. Yesterday when we met with him we were able to talk to him but there's some hard stuff going on in his life.
This week we have been meeting a lot with a less active named Clay. He is trying to quit smoking and struggling with it so we come by 2 or 3 times a week to just check up on him. He is an awesome guy and has a really cool conversion story!!
Other than all that, this past week has been pretty chill.
A random tidbit. Elder Nielsen discovered that one of the Piano Guys songs he has is a really fun song to pretend to drive in slow motion like we are spies and such. So we've been doing that a couple times the past couple days.... haha.
I cant think of anything else to talk about, but I love you all and hope everything is going well!!!
Elder LaRochelle
So this week was another crazy week in the San Diego First Ward!!!!!!!!!! This week is actually what they call "senior week". It's when I become the senior companion so that Elder Nielsen can see how well I know my stuff haha!!!
On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Yates who is like 20 months out so he gave me some tips. This is also his first transfer being a zone leader so he is pretty nervous. I don't know what it is about exchanges but the person I'm with always decides to talk about what they're struggling with with me and then I have to help them, but Elder Yates is an amazing missionary!!!!
Elder Yates and Elder LaRochelle |
On Thursday we met with a bunch of people including Chris and James.
Chris is still doing awesome. I don't how he finds the patience while he waits to see if he can get baptized. He is an amazing person and has an amazing testimony!!
James has some disabilities so we have been teaching little bits at a time. We are using Mormon Messages and music to teach and its working really well!!! This past week we actually set a date for him to get baptized on December 6!!
So every other Friday we do service at Balboa Park with a bunch of other missionaries. We just help out a park ranger and move logs and trim trees and what not. Elder Nielsen loves to go because he gets to wear jeans and not a tie haha. He actually got poison ivy (but he says its not that bad).
Saturday we met with Peter. We are actually meeting with him two times a week now just to make sure he is ready for baptism in a few weeks. He already has a super solid testimony and texts us sometimes and asks for reading assignments haha. He is way cool!!!!!!!
Sunday was fast Sunday and it was hard but we broke our fast at Sister Anderson's house. She is an amazing cook and she always feeds us a ton of food. We had another good lesson with her though. We talked about her niece and how she can talk to her about the gospel.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. We went and talked to the Kneelands for a little bit. He is struggling with cancer and is an amazing member missionary. Yesterday when we met with him we were able to talk to him but there's some hard stuff going on in his life.
This week we have been meeting a lot with a less active named Clay. He is trying to quit smoking and struggling with it so we come by 2 or 3 times a week to just check up on him. He is an awesome guy and has a really cool conversion story!!
Other than all that, this past week has been pretty chill.
A random tidbit. Elder Nielsen discovered that one of the Piano Guys songs he has is a really fun song to pretend to drive in slow motion like we are spies and such. So we've been doing that a couple times the past couple days.... haha.
I cant think of anything else to talk about, but I love you all and hope everything is going well!!!
Elder LaRochelle
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Pretty Awesome!
Hey everyone!!! So this p-day is already starting off crazy. I had to go to the mission office and watch a safe driver video and take a test because I had to many moving violations before my mission.
Other then that my week has been pretty awesome!
Last Monday we got a call from one of our investigators named Janette. She had some things she was struggling to understand and she sounded like she wanted to stop meeting with us, but we were able to convince her to let us come over Wednesday and help answer some of her questions. We brought along Brother Whiteley who is a boss member missionary and we were able to answer her questions and help strengthen her faith that the Book of Mormon is true!!!!!!!
On Thursday I had my first interview with President Schmitt. He said that I'm definitely doing better then I was my first day haha. I was pretty nervous and tired my first day and I don't even remember how my first meeting with President went haha!!!
On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Salmond again. We had a really good day. We were able to meet with Peter who has a baptismal date for November 1st!!! He is super solid and came to conference on Saturday!!!
Saturday and Sunday we were at the church almost all day watching conference!! We were actually late to the Saturday morning session because Elder Nielsen locked the keys in the trunk haha!!! It's all good though. When we got to the church they were having technical difficulties anyway. Conference was way awesome though!!!
After Conference on Sunday we went over the Owens place. They live downtown in a sky rise and have an amazing view!!!!
Other then that my week has been pretty awesome!
Last Monday we got a call from one of our investigators named Janette. She had some things she was struggling to understand and she sounded like she wanted to stop meeting with us, but we were able to convince her to let us come over Wednesday and help answer some of her questions. We brought along Brother Whiteley who is a boss member missionary and we were able to answer her questions and help strengthen her faith that the Book of Mormon is true!!!!!!!
On Thursday I had my first interview with President Schmitt. He said that I'm definitely doing better then I was my first day haha. I was pretty nervous and tired my first day and I don't even remember how my first meeting with President went haha!!!
On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Salmond again. We had a really good day. We were able to meet with Peter who has a baptismal date for November 1st!!! He is super solid and came to conference on Saturday!!!
Saturday and Sunday we were at the church almost all day watching conference!! We were actually late to the Saturday morning session because Elder Nielsen locked the keys in the trunk haha!!! It's all good though. When we got to the church they were having technical difficulties anyway. Conference was way awesome though!!!
After Conference on Sunday we went over the Owens place. They live downtown in a sky rise and have an amazing view!!!!
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