This week was amazing!!!! Me and Elder Fraughton are killing it!!! We are teaching like crazy trying to teach 25 lessons a week. Thanksgiving set us back a little but this week looks promising!!
This is the last week of the transfer so next Tuesday I will find out if I'm staying or going. I think I'll be here for one more transfer but we will see!
The day before Thanksgiving we were going to see a referral and it was a home with someone living upstairs and someone else downstairs. Our referral was upstairs so we go up and we knock a few times but the lights were off and we assumed she wasn't home. We started walking to the car and we decided to go ask the girl downstairs if she knows where our referral is. When we knock on the door she comes to the door and she is super excited to see us. She was like, "Do you guys have a Book of Mormon!! I have wanted to read one for so long!!" So we gave her a Book of Mormon and we have another appointment with her tomorrow !!!
Thanksgiving was pretty good. We had dinner with the Carsons. They have a pretty big family and we had a lot of fun. Thanksgiving was kinda hard to meet with people because a lot of people were busy or not home but it's all good we stayed busy!
Janette is still going strong. She just recently lost her husband so she struggles sometimes. She told us that she didn't know if this was the right path she needed to go down and that she needed a break. We told her that was fine and the next day some members from the ward decided to go by her house to see how she was doing. It really touched her that people she barely knew were coming by to see how she was doing so she decided to come to church again. It's so awesome. We are seeing many miracles in our area and its so amazing!!!
So our choir director makes the missionaries sing in the choir which isn't a bad thing haha. I like it but she wants us to sing by ourselves in sacrament meeting, she bribed us with a dinner so me and Elder Fraughton are singing "What Child Is This" I'm pretty excited. It's one of my favorite Christmas songs!!!
Yesterday we got a call from a less active named Bo. She said she needed a blessing and that's it. So we went over and she just opens up with us and starts telling us all these things that are going on in her life. We gave her a blessing and she is going to come to church at the family ward and the YSA ward. We are going to start meeting with her every week. She is so amazing and I know our Heavenly Father has a plan for her.
Every other Friday we give service at a park and this week they had us picking up trash in a canyon and we found like half a car! Me and Elder Arnie carried it down the canyon to the pickup truck so the ranger could take it to the dump! It was pretty cool.
Well I hope you are doing well. I miss and love you all and I'm so thankful to be serving in San Diego. I know this is the true church I can defiantly see the Lord's hand in this work.
Elder LaRochelle
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