Hey Y'all!!
This was one heck of a week! Not really. It was a pretty normal week. Nothing too exciting. No car accidents. Elder Callahan was supposed to get his staples out Friday but the doctor that put them in went out of town so.... We are trying to find someone that has a medical staple remover. Sister Bietlers was a nurse and can get into this professional medical store. She is going to see if they have one for him.
Wednesday was a longggggg day. When we first logged into the iPad planner app it said that we had 54 new referrals! 54!!!! So on Wednesday we spent a good part of the day contacting referrals. Some of the referrals are like 5 years old so when we stop by to drop off a bible they requested and they are like...thanks... You guys are a little late... Haha.
Thursday morning we had DLC with all the District Leaders and the Zone Leaders. They didn't have too much to talk about. Just updates with iPads and making sure our districts are using them effectively and all that stuff.
After DLC we went to the Garcias and helped them repaint their table. The table had black paint on it. So she bought sand paper for us to sand it with and she didn't buy the right sand paper so it turned out to be a lot harder then we thought. After 2 hours of sanding this table in the heat we are just super tired and sweaty and sun burnt so we call Brother Connors to see if he would be available to give us a ride because we were like an hour and a half walk from home. He is a teacher and he told us that during the day he doesn't do to much because it's summer and if we ever need anything we could give him a call. So we did and he gave us a ride! :)
Friday we had district meeting with the Lakeside elders that went pretty well. They have had a hard time switching over to the iPad planners and so I talked about sustaining our leaders and doing the will of the Lord. I told them that this is the way our leaders want us to do it and this is the way our Heavenly Father wants it done and we should do it because we love them. It went well and they are getting better. After D-Meet, Lakeside asked if we could help do service. They told us we were going to be chopping wood and Elder Callahan and I were thinking it was going to be the diameter of like a good size branch and so we show up and they put a piece of wood the size of a car tire in front of me and then hand me an axe. We were there for like 2 hours and it was like 97 degrees outside and we were sooooo tired and sweaty. I had like 10 blisters afterwards and we got more sunburnt haha.
Later that day we had a lesson with the Bietlers! We finished teaching Don everything he needed to know for baptism and he is getting baptized on the 22 of August! After we had the lesson with him we went to the stake pioneer activity with them and we had a good time. The Bietlers have a 3 year old named Brody and he got to ride a miniature horse and was pretty happy about that haha.
On Saturday morning we helped the Zone Leaders with their baptism. The girl that got baptized was named Carly and she is pretty awesome. She sang at this past mission presidents fireside. Her parents aren't too supportive of her joining the church but they came to the baptism and enjoyed it. There were a lot of people at the baptism which was great! At every convert baptism we have, while the people that participated in the baptism are changing back into normal clothes the missionaries teach the restoration to everyone there and since one of the missionaries did the baptism I had the opportunity to teach with Elder Binkley at the baptism.
Sunday was a pretty normal day. We taught gospel principles and after church we went over to the Bietlers and went over the baptismal interview questions with Don and he is super prepared!! I'm so excited for his baptism it's going to be amazing!
Yesterday was a pretty good day. We had an old lady lunch that happens once a month. The whole zone gets together and has lunch with some of the older people in the stake. After lunch we sing some songs to them and share a spiritual thought with them. It's pretty fun.
The Zone! |
Yesterday we also met with Stephanie who we street contacted like a week ago or so. We had an appointment at 7 with her but she forgot but we were able to reschedule for 8:45 the same night. We very briefly talked to her and her mom about the Book of Mormon and then ran home so we wouldn't be late haha but she is planning on coming to mutual on Wednesday and to church on Sunday.
Well that's all I have for this week. Enjoy! Hope you are all doing great! :)
Love you and the Church is true
-Elder Chris LaRochelle
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