First of all, last Wednesday day morning I got transferred! Me and Elder Anderson (who is my new trainee) got whitewashed into Ramona Oaks. The crazy thing about it is that Edler Nielsen (my dad) and Elder O'dell (my grandpa) got whitewashed and trained in this area a little over two years ago haha. So now I'm training my son in the same area where my dad got trained! Pretty crazy stuff! Oh and the other exciting thing is that I have a car again!!! My walking days are over, the curse has been lifted and the world seems a little brighter now haha :P.
So before we got to this area it was being double covered by the Ramona elders who are Elder Salmond (my MTC comp) and his trainee Elder Maughn which is pretty cool. So when we got to the area we got lunch with the rest of the zone and then we talked to the Ramona elders about the area and who they were working with and we have one investigator named Gerald who has been taught everything and has passed a baptism interview already he just has to quick smoking and he is doing a great job! He went from smoking a pack a day to smoking once every couple days.
After we talked to the Ramona elders we went to the church thinking that we would find the bishop there, and we did and got to talk to him and see what his vision is for the ward. The bishop here is on top of things! Last transfer president put Ramona and Ramona Oaks together and the bishop called President and told him that he needed his own set of missionaries so President was like OK and put us in the ward.
After we talked to bishop we called the ward mission leader and met with him and got to know him and get on the same page as him and he gave us some names of some people to stop by. This ward is pretty awesome, they are on top of things!
On Thursday afternoon we were planning on going by and seeing Gerald our one investigator. The tricky thing about Gerald is that he lives in a trailer on a Indian reservation so he doesn't really have an address. The Ramona elders gave us "directions" on how to get there and we ended up turning on some dirt path that looked like it was made for trucks. And Elder Anderson and I start driving on the trail and after an hour and a half passed by and we kept hitting dead end roads and after getting stuck in some spots we decided it's probably best to just leave and try to go with someone that knows where they are going haha.
Car Stuck on the Reservation |
The crazy thing is as we were leaving the Ramona Elders drove by and we called them and they showed us where to go and we weren't even close haha XD.
On Friday we did service and then had district meeting which awesome because it was the first time I haven't led district meeting in like 6 months haha. I just got to sit back it was great.
Saturday and Sunday we had General conference and it was great! I have so many notes written down it was great! After conference on Sunday we decided to park the car and walk a little and as we were walking we saw a tarantula crossing the street! It was huge! It was bigger then my hand! It was pretty freaky! We went and saw a recent convert and told him and he was all casual about it like yeah they live around here haha. He told us that there are also scorpions up here but it's all good I have seen Indian Jones and I know that the little ones are the ones you have to be worried about haha.
I like this area so far! The ward and bishop love missionaries which is awesome! So far on my mission I have been in city areas and now I'm in a more rural area which is different but it's all good I like it! It might be the ruralest area but its probably the richest area! The houses up here are huge!
Well love you all! Hope to hear from you soon!
-Elder LaRochelle
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