From 1/5/2016...
Hey everyone!
This week has been good. Elder Barnes and I have been doing great together. This past week we had to bike a lot which was good but also hard haha.
Last Tuesday we had to the opportunity to teach Leslie who is one of our recent converts' girlfriend. So that was cool. Leslie is of the Baha'i faith which is pretty interesting actually. It's very similar to ours in some ways.
Last Wednesday we got together as a zone and had lunch and then afterwards we role played together which was cool. Recently when Elder Clayton came to the mission he told us that if we role played more we would baptize more so we are doing a lot more role playing lately.
Thursday we were planning on doing a lot of biking. But then the zone leaders told us that they talked to the assistants about our miles and they told us just to try our best to stay under but it's alright if you go a little over. So we didn't have to bike on Thursday :D
We had to be home by 6 pm for New Year's Eve though, so no partying here.:P
Friday was pretty normal. We had district meeting then service. Later we taught mike and Nancy who are doing good. Every time we teach them they have a lot of good questions. It reminds me of the Beitlers from Bostonia.
On Sunday we taught the Macintoshes. Boone who is the son was baptized a few years ago and is getting ready for his mission and his parents aren't members but are paying for his mission. So we met with them and answered a lot of there questions and taught them briefly.
Overall it was a decent week. No trucks got stuck in mud or anything but it is supposed to rain pretty hard this upcoming month. We are supposed to get this really bad rain storm. Everyone calls it "El
Nino" out here. We only get these types of storms every 10 years or so. Apparently last time we had one people were kayaking down the street haha so that's something to look forward to. But I think that's it for this week. Love you guys!
-Elder Chris LaRochelle
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