From Nov 3...
Hey everyone! This week was pretty great! Things are starting to pick up here in Ramona! This week we changed our prayers. We prayed very specifically and when we prayed we told Heavenly Father where we were going and what time and what he could do to help. We have also stepped up our planning. If we want to see miracles we need to have inspired plans. This week we were able to teach some potentials we have, we also added a new investigator named Nathan! He is member referred by our ward mission leaders daughter. It was awesome to teach him, he has been going to seminary for a couple months now so he is pretty awesome.
We are also still working with Gerald, he is having a hard time quitting smoking so if you could keep him in your prayers that would be awesome! We were setting specific dates with him to get baptized and it was helping him, but we feel like his wife is pressuring him too much. One thing that was great is that Gerald came to church, he hasn't been to church since Elder Anderson and I have gotten here but he was there on Sunday which was good.
On Friday we went to the trunk or treat and the whole zone decorated one trunk and handed out candy. As we were handing out candy I had a good idea to play hymns from the car haha. It was pretty cool actually. We also had a bunch of book of Mormons and pamphlets and stuff that we were giving away. At the end of the night we gave away like 10 Book of Mormons. It was pretty sweet and a lot of members came up to us and told us that we had the best trunk.
This past week we fasted that we could add 10 investigators this week. The whole mission fasted for this so if you could continue to pray for us that we can find people that are ready to hear the gospel. The ward is really awesome though, they are all doing missionary work and inviting their friends to do things.
Kinda a funny story this week. We went and saw the Cabrera's. Sister Cabrera has been doing some missionary work with her sister so we were going to go by and talk to her. So we pull into their driveway and we see our zone leaders car and we are like what the heck are they doing here, so we talk to brother Cabrera and he told us that they are in the back, so we walk around back and they are playing putt putt. The Cabrera's have a putting green in their back yard and our zone leaders were practicing haha.
Yesterday I went on exchanges with Elder Matos, one of my zone leaders, he came to my area and we had a good time and got a lot done.
Our hard work is paying off, we are seeing many blessing in The Ramona Oaks Ward. Thanks for everything you do :) love you all!
-Elder LaRochelle
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