From Oct 27....
Hey everyone so this week has been pretty interesting and a lot happened.
Last Tuesday was awesome. We had p-day with another zone and had a Nerf war. It was pretty fun. After p-day Elder Anderson and I made it a goal to talk to 10 people that night. That's something President has asked us to do. So we did! We talked to 10 people and we saw many miracles come from it!
On Wednesday morning we went on exchanges and I went with Elder Schroeder to his area. That morning we drove up to Julian to help someone do some service. Usually missionaries aren't allowed to go up to Julian because the branch up there doesn't want missionaries or new converts. But the lady we were doing service for is a nonmember and she has been having a really hard time. She is getting kicked out of her house, she has had 4 deaths in her family the past year, her car is broken down, she is getting divorced and she has 4 kids. A member of the church saw her crying in the parking lot and asked if everything was OK and she explained the situation to him and he gave her the missionaries number. We decided to go up there and help her and we tried to call some members in the Julian branch to help but none of them would. It was pretty sad. The next day we had interviews that morning and after interviews there was a member in one of the wards in Ramona that offered to help bring a refrigerator and a dryer up to her new house. After that we were really struggling to know how we could help her because we didn't have miles to drive back and forth between her houses to move things and we didn't know how we were going to get her stuff there. So we decided to pull over and pray. After we prayed we went to work and started packing her stuff and some other missionaries were making some phone calls and they called a member in their ward and asked them if they could help and they said they would love to. They told us that in their prayers that morning they prayed that they would have the opportunity to help someone else that day. They also called someone in the branch in Julian and they said they could help. It was really cool to see the hand of God in her life. It wasn't until we humbled ourselves and realized that we couldn't do it on our own that we felt like God had answered our prayers.
My exchange with Elder Schroeder was good though. We had a good time and he had a lot of questions for me because he is training right now too and he just got out of training.
On Friday we had district meeting. Elder Schroeder asked if I would teach so I taught district meeting which was fun. I taught on faith and the difference between the faith to try and the faith to do. I used the talk the "Faith to Reap" by Elder Bednar which was good.
Saturday was a good day!! That morning I went back to Santee to see Taylor Beitler get baptized which was awesome. Don baptized her and they asked me to talk about baptism at her baptism so it awesome!
Afterwards we had lunch with Elder Callahan and his companion. Elder Callahan is doing great though. He is a good missionary.
I think that's it for this week. Things in Ramona are starting to pick up though. I'm pretty excited. Well I hope you are all doing great love and miss you all :).
-Elder LaRochelle
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