
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

1st Week In San Diego

It's hard to believe I have already been out on my mission for a week. I can't believe last Tuesday I was at the MTC and was up at 3 am to catch my flight! Me and Elder Johnson were on the same shuttle to the airport though so I saw him one last time before I left.  There were only 5 of us from the Provo MTC going to San Diego.

When we landed we were greeted by the missionaries that were going home from San Diego.  It was way cool!!! When we met President Schmitt he informed us that there were 13 other missionaries coming to San Diego from the Mexico City MTC.  It was crazy!

When we all got to the mission home some members prepared a lunch for us then we just got to relax the rest of the day.  It was pretty awesome.

The next day I met my trainer Elder Nielsen.  He is way cool and we are serving in the San Diego Zone,  the San Diego Stake,  and the San Diego 1st Ward in Downtown San Diego.  It's pretty awesome!! He is super patient with me and has helped me so much.  I'm glad I went out with missionaries as much as I did before my mission.  It definitely helped! 

My first Sunday in California was interesting.  We had some homeless members and dogs in the chapel but it was still pretty awesome.

Yesterday we taught and gave someone a blessing in the Navy hospital. We had to be escorted everywhere we went.  It was crazy but such an amazing experience.  He had read all of First Nephi in a week and you can already tell he knows that the book of Mormon is true.  We want to commit him to baptism but he can't leave the hospital right now so its kinda hard!

We also taught someone named Chris who's been an investigator for 18 months!! He wants to be baptized but he has to wait for permission from the First Presidency because he went to jail but he has changed and has accepted everything the missionaries have taught him.  He is awesome!

Missions are awesome!!! Church is true!!! Love you guys!!!

Elder LaRochelle